Kilograms to metric tons (kg to metric tons) converter

You can enter a value in either the kilograms (kg) or metric tons (metric tons) input fields. For an understanding of the conversion process, we include algebraic formulas.

See conversions to common Mass/Weight units and easily switch Mass/Weight units in the two tabbed section below. Use the search bar above to find additional conversions.

Tip: Click the "Swap" button to switch from converting kilograms to metric tons to metric tons to kilograms.

kilograms (kg)


metric tons

< == >
1 kg = 0.001 metric tons 1 metric tons = 1000 kg

Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula
kg * 2.2046 lb
1 kg
* 1 metrictons
2204.6226 lb
= metrictons

Direct Conversion Formula
kg * 1 metrictons
1000 kg
= metrictons

If you would like to switch between Mass/Weight units, select from the tables below

< == >